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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Officially Closed

I am officially closing this blogsite. I am creating a new one, but I still do not know when. The memories I have in it, are wonderful and mind opening for a simple girl like me.

I have grown to be stronger and more wise. Thank you for all my friends who always visit it and try to read my never ending search of true love. I guess, I am still a failure at this time, but I am more than happy with no regrets of what I have gained and experienced.

I do not want to bring up the past again. I will just look into the future. of what it is in store for me. I will be ready for it as I know it would be more challenging and more breath taking. I am ready to captue every opportunity, feel every inch of it and always stand up victorious.

If I lose.. then let it be another story...hope you guys will still be supporting me and encouraging me like you have done before...

Until I find the right blogsite....

Thank you.......

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