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Monday, August 6, 2007

Pasta Makes Me Dizzy

I really do not know what's with Pasta, it makes me sick. Everytime, I get to have pasta as my meal, Before I can finish my plate, I can see stars flying...At first I thought it was just tomato sauce and cheese, But I also get dizzy when eating carbonara... =(

I really do not know the reason why, maybe it's the noodles? or maybe the cheese? But until now, It's uncertain why Pasta makes me dizzy =(


Unknown said...

Maybe this is the result of a recent hump ? ;-)


Earlene said...

ahahaha.....no comment

Lisette said...

This post is old, so maybe my comment isn't useful anymore, but this sounds like it could possibly have something to do with your blood sugar. It could be that your blood sugar is going up too quickly when you eat high carb food like pasta. Or... it is dropping? The symptom sounds more like dropping blood sugar, honestly. That can happen after a meal if your body releases more insulin than it needs (insulin drops blood sugar). It's called reactive hypoglycemia, but it doesn't happen so suddenly as you describe. Usually, it takes an hour or two. It's one reason people often get sleepy after eating a meal: Their sugar levels go up, then down.

I don't know. Ask your doctor. I'm almost convinced it's a blood sugar thing. It sounds scary to me (that's why I bothered to sign in and comment). Does it happen when you eat rice or bread?

Best of luck!

In case you're wondering, I was actually searching Google for "pasta make me sick." I cooked pasta today and it upset my stomach. Argh...