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Monday, December 3, 2007

Calm After the Storm

Have you experienced a strong storm before?

Before it comes, you can here the houling winds and the strong spatter in the roof. You become vunerable of the non-stop thunder and lightning. You become afraid and think when will it stop. Everywhere is darkness and cold. Uncertainty arises...

During the rain, you sleep, you try to see the good thing about it. The cold will get you a good sleeping mode. The spatter of the rain will sound like music to your ears, as you dream away. hehehe =) and eating hot foods can never be better. Champorado and tuyo anyone? =D

Then when you wake up, you will see the clearness of the sky. There might be mess everywhere, but you are ready to fix things again. To put things where they are and organize. Start another day with a smile in you face because you know you SURVIVED....

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