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Sunday, December 23, 2007

You Better Watch Out

Christmas is just hours away and it seems, it still a regular day here in Singapore. In the Philippines, last minute shopping will be a soar and traffic jam everywhere, mainly because people want to spend Christmas with their families...

I miss Christmas in the Philippines, this is the 2nd time I am spending it away from my family, and it is still quite getting use to..I miss the old Christmas tree, that even so old, still gives a warmth feeling of happiness to the house. I miss the lights and night mass, because there you will see your friends and joke together and make sure that on the Christmas Mass, we all be wearing something new. hehehe =)

I miss Christmas get together more, I thought I was spending it with someone special but I guess, I was early to look into the future...But I am still happy, I have my family overseas, my extended family and friends out there, all wishing me good things...

And the true meaning of Christmas is Celebration of Jesus Birthday...We all should be happy as Jesus is born on this day. The day, that would change our lives forever....


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