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Thursday, December 20, 2007

I Know Not but HE Knows......

Four days from now it will be a month but I still have not found the answer for the big question WHY? Tears would never fall down in my eyes anymore but everytime you call me, everytime you look at me, I can still feel the deep pain you have given me..So many whys, so many what ifs, so many hopes, so many doubts....

I thought my love was enough to sustain it all, make believe that you would come back and take all the pain away.. but as days go by all you give me is broken dreams...I am all used up, all broken..trying to convince myself to stop...

At night, I crawl to my bed, pray and ask, WHY? why does this has to happen? Why did my heart gave in? Why did I not see it coming? Why did I let you enter my life? I really cannot find the answers and I know I will never get it from you... So I just pray... silently pray and hoping that one day, I find the answers, that one day I will tell myself "ow, that's why?" ....Because I may not know it, but GOD has reasons and GOD knows why you happen to my life....

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