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Sunday, December 9, 2007


Last time, weekends was my dreaded day. Because, mostly I do not get to talk and see you. I tried to ask what is it with weekends that it seems you are detached from my world, but I was afraid to hear the answers. So I just, accepted it, that on weekends, I will not SMS you, but to think of you is another story. At times I admit I would try to ask, how are you, but most of the time, you would not answer. =(

When Sunday night arrives, I am getting ready for Monday. Weekdays are the best of days. Hoping to see you at the MRT, sometimes wake up early to prepare you breakfast or lunch. Nothing beats my happiness. Then before the weekdays end, you would invite me for lunches and dinners..I kept on looking forward to it...Knowing we would have time ... real " QUALITY TIME".

Now, I dread weekdays and weekends are my bestfriend.

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