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Saturday, December 8, 2007



How are you? One day more and it's 2 weeks. Imagine, how fast the days have gone by.
Sometimes, I want to bring it back and take away all the things that I have said, but I know I can't. 2 weeks of denial and acceptance and moving on, it was very hard.

I admit, every time I hear your voice and see your frowning face, I want to run to you and take it all away, because some of it was my infliction. But some force is stopping me, because we are sailing both ships..I try to balance myself and find my way to redemption but I can set myself not to look at you. But i have to try...

Now, I am quite okey, knowing I have done my part, tried to fix some lose threads and set the line straight. You know what is in my heart and you know what I want. I am not asking you to reach out for my hand...I only wish for you to be better.

I wish to see you smile again and tell me things like how you'd been, how is your life and the plans you are taking...I wish for you to have strength to face each day and courage to slowly reach your goals, because I know that's what you always wanted.

And I hope next time, we would just laugh about it and joke at each other of what has happened. But for now...I will try to step my feet one step at a time and see the good things of what life has brought me....

Missing you so much,


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