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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Jingle Bells

I am already heart broken, so I do not need a dull CHRISTMAS. I made a big step on going to the sale and buy myself a 4 feet Christmas tree and some house decorations. hehehe =) After cleaning and cooking dinner, I started decorating the Christmas tree. Well, I may say so myself, it was good, the house has the spirit of the Yultide season even all heartbroken lives there.

But what is the true meaning of Christmas, is it time of loneliness because you are away from your family and you just broke up and also broke... I do not think so, Christmas is about Jesus, HIS birthday and his coming to this WORLD. His confirmation of bringing SALVATION.

I hope, we would look deep inside our souls and thank JESUS as HE celebrate HIS birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS....thank you, thank you for this life I have, whatever it is...I am very greatful to have known YOU....

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