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Saturday, August 25, 2007

How Do I Love Thee

Every girl's wish is to see his night in shining armor. I stopped thinking about it, when I had my last heartache. I thought to myself maybe, I should stop wondering where is he and start just being happy about myself. If he is around, he would definitely find me...

Then you found me. In your eyes I was not invisible..You first saw me. for me, you are the answer from GOD. How would I know? I saw the signs..At first I did not notice and never even imagined. Because at that time I was busy enjoying myself. But I remembered my last prayer and I will always keep it here in my heart..It is a prayer between me and GOD..

I am happy, because we are starting slow but strong...I still have doubts and I still have questions..But I still pray..I still trust in GOD ..I trust in your words, I trust in your actions, I trust in your love...How do I love thee??? I love thee through faith and trust.. I love thee, even it is hard...hard because of the pressure we are facing...I do not know if you feel it, or you just choose to just trust in me as well. But I feel it..

We both have dreams we want to reach, both of us have different past, both still does not know much about each other and both sometimes is indifferent. We manage to make it through, one at a time..we are struggling to the process called "acceptance". But I know we are happy..

And this is my prayer, whatever, will come, let us face it together, and if this has to end let it end with still good memories..But if by God's will, we're still together...I will love thee till forever.... =)

1:02 am

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