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Monday, August 20, 2007

What I Need Right Now

What I need right now is some good company and lots of trust....Why did I say this???

For weeks, there has been great and leaping changes in my life. I tried to hide the fact that I am again dating and the that there might be something good in store for me in the near future...I do not know why but mainly because I only want my life to be private....But sometimes, you cannot hide the fact that even you want things to be just as simple as they can be, life by truth is a roller coaster ride and you are not alone doing the loops...hehehehe =)

I am ready for anything physically, mentally but if you asked me socially I am not ready...It's not that I am afraid, It's not that I do not have faith or it's not because I lack confidence...It's just that I do not want my life to be put in a fish bowl and everybody making it smaller and smaller everyday for me..

I went here to be free, to free myself from bondage from everybody. I want to see what I can do on my own without rules, boundaries or expectations...But life it is is really very complicated.....You cannot say life is simple, it's a BIG JOKE.... life can be equated to CHANGE....because if one refuse to change, he would die, die inside....because life breaths to fight to adjust...

I value friends and love ones, that is how I cope up with life changes...I learn to love what God provided and I am very bless to all He has given me....and if by faith, he gave me both.. love and career I will embrace it with open arms....My friend told me once Earlene, you get only one, be successful in your love life or be successful in your career....I know by GOD's grace I can have it all....heheehhhehehe =) In Jesus name.....

But if ever I cannot have both, I need these two things TRUST AND LOTS OF GOOD COMPANY....

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