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Sunday, January 1, 2012


The other day, I realized how I can affect another person, in a special way...

We were viewing houses to rent for this coming year because our rental contract will end on January 31st, 2012. Knowing expenses are getting high , I never expected to find a house rent lower than what we have now. Also, I have some restrictions to the next house that we are going to rent, because my child will start studying this year.

First restriction is, I need to get my own room, because she is getting bigger now. I cannot share rooms with Laine, mainly I am considered a single unit of community with the father missing in action, so i have a mom as a proxy to take care of my child when I am working. second restriction is it should be within the neighbourhood because the school she is registered to only will recognize her staying there as s student if all their requirements are matched, which included the location we are staying. When you are on a limited budget and a lot of restrictions, your window of options is quite small, like a pin hole as I would say.

The only solution that I can think of at the moment is to tell my friend, who is also our agent to be true to all my request. To be honest I am not sure if for him these are demands...hehehe =)
But the saying "finding a needle in a haystack" will not coined if it has not happened before...and by God's grace.. we found a house... not only that I need but my flatmates loves....

But what really caught white handly was the reaction of my friend agent, he told me he was willing to shell out the necessary money to help us out to transfer to the house we wanted. I asked him for the reason, he said because I am a good person, I was kind to him during the time he needed a friend. That I was a a good hearted person...and he will forever cherish. I was so touched by his words, i never knew that by being myself I had a great impact on another person's life...

What I lack, GOD finds people to help me out to have it...THANK YOU LORD...

THANK YOU FOR A GOOD 2012 start..............