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Monday, June 3, 2013


I once had a dream when I went here in Singapore. I wanted to run away, and start a new life. I left Philippines bankrupt. I told myself I do not want t hat to happen to me. I wanted to have financial freedom.

Fast forward 7 years here in Singapore, and I am on the same situation, still wishing for financial freedom. This time, it has more weight cause I am a single mom to a pretty smart girl. The question suddenly popped to my head and never stopped me thinking, "When will I have financial freedom?"

So I went home, asked my mom, "When did you retire?" She said 2005, she was 42 years old. My mom has a pride of a giant she will never admit it, she stopped working when I started earning. At a young age 22, I was the bread winner. I never experienced a time in my entire career, that I never made a budget. I'd always calculate, every month because I needed to know what bills to pay. Every year it is worst. This year I tell you, it hit me rock bottom. When you are in a financial crisis, even your family wont help you, they have thier own things to settle, that is for my case.

I needed to give an an answer to my question,  "When will I have financial freedom?" My answer is 42 like my mom. Let's face reality, who would take you for a job, when you are 42? Younger people are faster, smarter and paid lesser. I have been there, thats why I know. I want financial freedom for my daughter. I do not want the same thing that my parents did to us siblings. They literally relied on us. You don't have kids because in the future you want them to work for you. You want kids because you want your legacy to continue.

I want financial freedom, and an opportunity knock. I am not sure if it will succeed, but I will try. I talk to my mom, and since she is satisfied with her life, cause who would not be, getting what you want without hardwork? I don't want that to happen when Ellyce grows up. I want her to go to the school she wanted and have a happy life and not worrying how can she make a living for her mom to survive. I want to stop worrying how can I pay my debts. I want to stop worrying which bank can I loan or which friend can I borrow money from. I want to risk and take this chance.

Last Sunday, the speaker quote us one of  Steve Jobs lines: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Let me end it with this story, my child wanted to go to disneyland because she wants to see the princesses. I want to make her wish come true. right now, I do not see myself granting her wish, because I am in debt to almost all my friends and 5 banks here in Singapore. So I want to grab this chance and one time opportunity. I want to grant her her wish.

Lord, guide me and teach me....Lord, if this is Your will, let no one or nothing stand in my way. Amen.