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Saturday, August 13, 2011

No Expextations

When things come least expected and it's good.. you are overwhelmed by the great luck you received. But when something happened unexpected and you got hurt, you build a fortress to help you not to touch those hot waters again...

In the situation I am now, I wanted to build a wall but I know I should take the latter, and that is to not to expect...these are the times when "no" is associated to a word and it becomes a good thing.. " NO EXPECTATIONS"....However, these words does not come in small packages, you need great deal of attitude and character to conquer it...As they say attitude is 10% of what is happening to you but it's 90% of how you choose to react....I got tired of being historical and hysterical as my pastor say...She said, when we are angry, we become hysterical..shouting, cursing, adding ridicule to insult..I also become historical, digging the ghost of past and let them haunt me until I get to a point of exploding....

If there are no expectations, you are conquering your fears, and most of all you are to the best of your character, meaning being true to yourself to forgive...Forgive the person who hurt you, and most of all to forgive yourself for letting it take over you...I am no saint, but I know I am still of clear mind...because I can forgive...NO EXPECTATIONS anymore....

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