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Thursday, August 11, 2011


"I have learned now that while those who speak about ones miseries usually hurt, but those who keep silence hurt more. " — C.S. Lewis

It hurts I admit, until now, it does. But the situation can hurt you as long as you allow it to. I thought to myself, life has to move on...your life is moving on, what should be the reason why mine can't?

Scanning to those photos, made my head hurt, because of all the questions that keep on popping in my mind. At first I acted of hiding, keeping away...but then again I thought, why would I hide..I was no the liar...

The truth is that I loved you...I hurt inside because I trusted you..I was true to those feelings during the time we were together...even the little hope I have now, diminished..

To be honest, I am happy for you, you have your plans coming together, your brother is here.. you have a good job, that provides for your family.. you made your mom proud....but you are the worst father of them all...how can you live each day??? how can you even breath....??

One day, time will fly away and I'll be just laughing about these things....and that time starts now......

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