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Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Love You NOT

Everytime you make excuses to meet my friends.

Everytime you cannot state our status

Everytime you suddenly keep quiet with no reason at all

Whenever, you don't take notice of me.

Every weekend

Everytime I call and I notice you never call me but only sms to reply.

Everytime I cannot hug you or express myself in front of so many people, because you do not want them to know.

Everytime I cry, each time we say goodbye from the taxi, because you cannot come up to my house.

Everytime, I remember our monthsary and wanted to celebrate it

Vague future

No future

Everytime, I want to tell you how much I am hurting but because I do not want to ruin the time spent together, I just keep quiet

Everyitme I have to convince myself not to fall in love with you anymore because this is only temporary.

Still holding on, because I love you...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Finding What's Right for Me

Everytime, you feel boredom and unsatisfaction to your job, you always analyze yourself and ask the question WHY?

Like love, job is also a relationship. yess....let me demostrate to you why..

1. At first choose which job, suits your tastes and at the same time the job, chooses you for the qualitites you have.
2. You get to know each other, putting your best foot forward as you make your way to familiarization.
3. Once you familiarize yourself, you try to win your job's attention, by giving out your extra unique qualities.
4. You go to office everyday, wearing your smile and go home with satisfaction in your face... you are inspired...
5. You learn little by little how this job, operates and the people behind it..you tend to analyze and see if it's good or bad?
6. Later you feel, you are not challenged anymore, and you are not taken care off.
7. You give your best to the work, but it seem you are not appreciated.
8. You exert more effort, but you get burned out.
9. Eventually, you feel left out...You decide to leave
10. You make yourself available and cancel your agreement with the current beau..I mean job.. hehehe =)

See it's like falling in love then getting hurt and loving again...

So happy HUNTING GUYS....=)

Will I strike 2 birds with one stone???? hehehe =P

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

Last year I celebrated Valentine's Day with my college friends. (Who says Valentines is for couples only) hehehehe =) Then yesterday, I choose to celebrate it with them. Same time, same place, same old faces. After a year of being together here in Singapore, we managed to find love, experienced it, lost it, still holding on to it and fighting for it. We laughed, of how much we have changed for the course of time and I noticed in some ways our values changed, our outlook in life, our plans also changed.

We choose to look into the future and not settle on the past. We choose to learn and be there for each other. I rarely talk to them, mostly on chats only and sms, but I know in some ways we are already connected.

Yesterday, we were, planning on jumping to another country, on visiting and travelling once again, since 2008 has just come. All the adventures we had, made us closer and happy women, not seeing any doubts or regrets for the paths we chose. I value them, it makes me feel more blessed knowing them and expressing to them freely and the acceptance from them, that this is "ME".

Well, that is love, accepting the person for what he is, who he wants to become and trusting that whatever path he chose, he still will be there for you, doing the same thing......

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I Love You

Everytime you give me the prawns in your noodle soup, because you know they're my favorite
Helps me get those noodles using chop sticks because I can't
Patiently waits for me, even it's only 30 minutes
Tell me your true self even it might make you feel inferior
Buy me mango juice and pretend it's your extra one
Call me, everytime you feel a headache
Eat my left over
Buy me what food I want and never afraid for me to gain a little few pounds
Dinner once a week
Ask for 2 sets of spoon and fork so that people will not think I do not know how to use chop sticks
Send me home after dinner
Sound of your laughter everytime, we are together
Hugs during sunset
Kisses on the beach
Touch of assurance you're back
Looks that seem promises of forever
Unspoken words
Never saying "I love you"
Leaving without any reasons said
Looking into my eyes
Tears on my eyes
Uncertainty of forever
Understanding without questions
Trusting without seeing
Holding on, but ready to let go when the time comes

February 9, 2008