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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Finding What's Right for Me

Everytime, you feel boredom and unsatisfaction to your job, you always analyze yourself and ask the question WHY?

Like love, job is also a relationship. yess....let me demostrate to you why..

1. At first choose which job, suits your tastes and at the same time the job, chooses you for the qualitites you have.
2. You get to know each other, putting your best foot forward as you make your way to familiarization.
3. Once you familiarize yourself, you try to win your job's attention, by giving out your extra unique qualities.
4. You go to office everyday, wearing your smile and go home with satisfaction in your face... you are inspired...
5. You learn little by little how this job, operates and the people behind it..you tend to analyze and see if it's good or bad?
6. Later you feel, you are not challenged anymore, and you are not taken care off.
7. You give your best to the work, but it seem you are not appreciated.
8. You exert more effort, but you get burned out.
9. Eventually, you feel left out...You decide to leave
10. You make yourself available and cancel your agreement with the current beau..I mean job.. hehehe =)

See it's like falling in love then getting hurt and loving again...

So happy HUNTING GUYS....=)

Will I strike 2 birds with one stone???? hehehe =P

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