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Saturday, February 9, 2008

I Love You

Everytime you give me the prawns in your noodle soup, because you know they're my favorite
Helps me get those noodles using chop sticks because I can't
Patiently waits for me, even it's only 30 minutes
Tell me your true self even it might make you feel inferior
Buy me mango juice and pretend it's your extra one
Call me, everytime you feel a headache
Eat my left over
Buy me what food I want and never afraid for me to gain a little few pounds
Dinner once a week
Ask for 2 sets of spoon and fork so that people will not think I do not know how to use chop sticks
Send me home after dinner
Sound of your laughter everytime, we are together
Hugs during sunset
Kisses on the beach
Touch of assurance you're back
Looks that seem promises of forever
Unspoken words
Never saying "I love you"
Leaving without any reasons said
Looking into my eyes
Tears on my eyes
Uncertainty of forever
Understanding without questions
Trusting without seeing
Holding on, but ready to let go when the time comes

February 9, 2008

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