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Saturday, September 8, 2007


I always accept changes...because I know that changes is good for you..It helps you grow, understand and be more stronger than before...In short terms, it adds up to experience..

Recently, there was a mixture of happiness, sadness, questioning changes, happened to my LIFE. I would have been devastated, I would have cried alot, but I just thought and charged it to experience...

Questions still haunts me, but now I am brave enough to face it and try not to mind it..All the things happening in our lives, when we are not ready to face it, not ready yet to step forward, then stop for a while..embrace the chaos and always remember to love yourself more....TRUST in yourself that, one simple turn around can make it all better and you will never know, you will be standing again ready to face another CHALLENGE and another CHANGE....and sometimes, you might have not noticed it, you never moved at all but the people who loves you nudge you little by little to get out of the situation....I l0ve you guys.... mwaaahhhhh

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