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Monday, September 24, 2007

About Last Night

Hehehe....sound like a rated R movie right.. but nooo... I am as wholesome ever. For the logest time that I was planning to go for jogging, it already became a reality...last night was like the launching date...

I started to warm up by doing brisk walking, then after 2 rounds, I started jogging...and before I can finish the two laps I was struggling... huhuhu =(

I do not know if it was because, I gained a lot of weight or is it becasue I am lazy. But my feet was dragging me, so I had to stop and try to do brisk walking again because my legs are already shouting in pain...hehehe =)

But I am determined to do it everyday until I loose those fats away from my body...ahahaha =P and have my six packs (is this the correct spelling?) So next time, when I will be dancing the pussycat dolls "beep" I wouldn't look like a ball bouncing...

Cheer me up guys to continue this regime

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