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Monday, September 10, 2007

He was my Almost

In the shadows of a dim light an image showed. Never realized what it was, but it gave comfort to the sadness that surrounds. Along the strips of the spaces, it filled out the nothingness and gave hoped. For a short time it gave color to my black and white.

Time passes quickly and it sure is a medicine for healing, a spoonful of love from people around, made it easier to swallow. Suddenly, I really do not know when it started, you are conveniently talking to me again. I do not want to think anymore, what is your reason, but surely it's a shock.

As I say, you hurt me once, shame on you. You hurt me twice, shame on me. You told me yesterday, you are used to be alone, nobody to care for you. Then as clear as sunlight in the morning, I understand. I was blessed to be surrounded by people who loves me. I was blessed to be included in other people's lives. I have a purpose, to love and share that warmth experience to other people.

As I was reading the BIBLE last night, I saw this entry. "Impaired Vision". The story goes that last time, there were no mirrors yet. People only look on shiny things and see their impaired vision, to see if they look good, if there is something wrong in their appearance.

Funny how we do not see the purpose of things when we are the ones experiencing it.It's like the impaired visions. We know we are looking at ourselves, but we only merely see it's beauty. As the entry ended, it gave a promise:

Someday, He'll make it plain to me
Someday, when His face I shall see
Someday, from tears, I shall be free
For someday, I will understand --Leech

Now, I may not understand what is happening, but I am thankful, and surely, later on I will understand, why he was my almost.

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