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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Could Not Ask For More

Nothing beats coming back home. =) The moment I arrived from the airport, the time I saw my parents from the waiting area.. I knew, I was back home. Nothing much change, same old house, same old environment. They house is not as bright as what I have in Singapore, but my house is full of laughter and love. Our house is so old, that I am almost would think twice to invite visitors over because, I have nothing to offer them, but I will never exchange it for anything in this world. My dad's laughter, my mom's voice calling me for lunch, my sister's whining because she wants to watch television, my 2 brother's (Elmer and Edward's) snoring, because they are on night shift and sleeping in the morning is their only rest, my kuya Ever's noisy feet because he is rushing to go to office, I love them.

There were times you want to get out for a while, but then again, you always want to go back, just go back to see them once more....

Now, I have another person in my life, I am missing him right now, sometimes I do not know if he misses me too. But I will just trust him like I told him before...

So, at this time, I could not ask for more....because I am content of what I have and I try to cherish every moment , every chance I have...Because, I only got one CHANCE in Life....

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