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Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Time is running so fast, last time I was only a child, asking you for chocolates and milk. Always depending on you, for my needs. I cry when a mosquito bit me, or even I get wound on my knees.

Back then, I don't understand you, thinking that you were just being "mahigpit". I build a wall and it gets higher everyday, when I was in high school. You always tell me, to listen to you, and I will know that it's for my own good when I got older. But I never did listen, instead, the gap widens. But you try to bridge the gap, by trying to explain to me things.

I remembered, one day you told me, that you loved me and you only want what's good for me. As I grew older, I started to understand, why you were like that in the past.

Thank you, for being patient, for being so kind. I will always remember the time you would wake me up just to make sure I wouldn’t get late from school. You slept at my side when I get sick, tucking me up on my bed. You forced me into reading than watching TV. hehehe =) Best of all, you taught me contentment and understanding that life is what we make it...

I love you dad and I am thankful everyday from GOD, because HE gave me you...


Unknown said...

Its good that you treasure your dad. But what about your mom ? WHere is the entry for your mom!?!?!??!!


Earlene said...

ahahaa... mother's day already finished =P