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Friday, June 1, 2007

Inspired to write

I will always remember the time when I was in Elementary when we were asked to write down a composition about out school vacation. I think that was during grade 2. Sabi ni Ms. Lealee, sumulat raw kami ng 4 paragraph composition kung ano ginawa namin last summer vacation. As a child, masyado ako mahiyain, I lack confidence and also self esteem. But I never stopped from being the best I can, to make my love ones happy. Ironic noh, hehee =)

My dad and my mamang doesn't have a good relationship back then. So my mom and dad would always fight where to send their children to spend summer vacation. Si mamang (mom's mother) lives in Manila (Pasay City) on the other hand, my dad's father lives in the mountains (sa bundok ng Binangonan, Rizal sa may isla). Most of the time si mommy ang nanalo, maybe my dad loves my mom more, or he just cannot stand my mom's nagging. 2 weeks would be spend with my mamang and papang then, 2 to 3 days stay with my lolo. My lola died when I was still a kid, so wala ako masyado memories of her.

Ms. Lealee, would always ask us to read our compositions in front of class. Kaya, most of us would really make it a point the our compisitions are polished and has good story lines. Then when she hands us back the compositions, she would have comments about it. I would always remember those days, because, she was the one who inspired us to express ourselves through writing. And to be frank, if I was not asked to make a composition then to tell something about my last summer vacation, then I would have not enjoyed or even come to my mind of composing blogs... = ) Thanks, Ms Lealee

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