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Saturday, January 19, 2008


I grew up in an environment where, you think of others first before your own. That you will be given life's rewards if you choose "sacrifice".

All along in my life, I only think of others before me. What would others say? What would others feel? What would they expect me to do? I gained people's respect, I do not know is it because of my personality or because, I put them first before me?

I never regret my choices in life, because, I know to live life is also not to look back with shame. Always be careful with your choices and if cannot be helped, you have to stand to a decision in which you think you feel you can accept and live with.

I lived my life for other people but not mine. I thought that I can only continue to pursue to breath a little bit more because I have people who needs me.

But 2008 seems different, I am tired, suddenly tired of putting off to people's demands. I want to life my life now, not for people, but for my own..Live my life, as if my last and my choices would mainly be to answer the only question, will it make me happy??

Is it being selfish? I really do not know.....Is it a sin to hope for your own wellness?... Maybe I'll answer it on my next entry? =)

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