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Sunday, January 6, 2008


When we were small, our parents will always give us attention and full of it. When we are growing they would teach us how to sing, dance, recite a poem or do something that would capture attention (like our clothes, hair, eyes, balat) hehehe =) Those things did not matter if it is correct or not but as long as we can see people giving us the eye and then smiling, then we hit the homerun.

When we are teenagers, we hide, we do not let people see us, we do not want them to see the changes happening to our body as if we are morphing into aliens...When we become adults and fall in love, the only reason we want is to seek attention and get it from the person we love.

Why is attention that important? Why do we yearn for it? Why do we work hard for it? Last time I sought your attention, I told myself, I will not stop until your eyes are locked to me....but in return you hurt me. Now I am doing my very best not to notice you, not to look for the one thing I want from you, but you are the one freely giving it to me now? Why?

I still want your attention, but will it gain me happiness or just another heart ache? How far will you go, for me to capture your attention? or you're just checking out on me? Are you leaving soon, that is why you are giving it to me? Then should I give it to you, because time is precious? or are you also yearning attention from me too?

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