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Monday, July 2, 2007


Sometimes, you have to step out of your comfort zone to see if you can survive. To test yourself how strong you are. To challenge your own capabilities and strengths....

This week I will transfer houses. I suddenly miss my best friend; she is my shoulder in times of need. She has been more than a best friend but a sister during the challenges I face here in Singapore. She was there all along. Protecting me and keeping me safe. They say, in our Barkada, I was the most fragile one. Walang alam sa tunay na mundo..

I suddenly miss all of them, my family, my friends in the Philippines, my church..My home....I suddenly was faced by the fact that there are so many problems surrounding me. I suddenly feel afraid...

Coming out of my shell is very hard. I am a very sentimental person. I am a person who is easily contented. I try not to be hopeful of things that are impossible to reach, but I still act on things that can be done. I value NOW, not what is COMING. I respect my PAST to cherish my PRESENT.

Right now, even closing my eyes, I can remember their faces. haizzz.....I suddenly really miss them badly...


shaz said...

Ako ba earl di mo nami-miss???
Miss ka na namin!!! Kelan housewarming? :D

Earlene said...

Miss you shazz... miss you so much