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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hurting Inside

Last Saturday, I watched Harry Potter with friends. During the coarse of the film, I suddenly feel remorse. I thought I was also feeling what Harry was feeling... The feeling of loneliness. The feeling of missing someone, that they are just near you, but seems, you are not able or due to some circumstances, you need to not let it show. Haiizzz..

Sometimes, when you look at a situation, each person has a way of interpreting what is happening. Because we are ruled by our emotions, and governed by our thoughts. Sometimes, what is the strongest will prevail and you will see the reaction based on what they are feeling at the moment.
I really liked the movie. It had reached my expectation. I felt Harry's pain, he is really a good actor. He has furnished what he had and also, made it on his own...

As a conclusion, I am also hurting inside. Hurting because, there is something I really want to do, but due to some circumstances, it hinders me from acting on it. This should be accomplished, for me not to get hurt in the long run. So hurt myself in the process....Ahaha =) Where did that thinking came from???

I am praying for it..Because I know I have found it and it has found me...I know that it is the answer to my prayers. I just have to believe and hope..but expect the worse as well....

Earlene Gonzales

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