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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Cleanse Me

I remembered I saw a butcher carefully cleans the meat in front of him. He skillfully takes off the fat surrounding the meat and debones the flesh. I admire his dedication in his work. His work is not an easy job; it is very messy for one and second it takes lots and lots of energy to finish one meat..But he is so patient and he seems so happy in his job.

Some of us, we do not like our job. We always complain of the difficulties we faced everyday. We complain that we cannot cope up with the workload. Our job sucks and sometimes we also say that we are just not happy..I would not exempt myself.. of course, I am a complainer also..But when I saw the butcher that day..It reminded me of how blessed I am as well. Of having to be placed in an air-conditioned room all day..Have friends to see each morning and maybe not all day, but there are times; I go home happy, satisfied and content that I have done my duties wisely.

Thank you LORD, for the work you have placed me into.. Thank you for helping me see that life should be experienced, life should be felt and life should be lived.....

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