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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Free Hour

My collegue sent us a message during the morning for us to read and enjoy:

"The moment you are in TENSION>You will lose your ATTENTION>Then you are in total CONFUSION>and you'll feel IRRITATION>This may spoil your personal RELATIONS>Untimately, you won't get COOPERATION>And get things into COMPLICATION>Then you may raise CAUTION>And you have to take MEDICATION>Why not try understanding the SITUATION>And try to think about the SOLUTION>Many problems will be solved by DISCUSSION>Which will work out better in your PROFESSION>Don't think this is a free SUGGESTION>It is only for your PREVENTION>If you understand my INTENTION>You'll never come again into TENSION!"

and this is my reply:

But right now we are in DEPRESSION of user's INTERROGATION....so do not put us in CONFUSION just treat us for a LUNCHEON =P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

walastik pagkain parin nasa isip mo??? ibah ka dude... aus na eh may napasama pang LUNCHEON