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Wednesday, July 25, 2007


What is the secret of happiness? I found the answer in my home. The WALL says BE STRONG, the CEILING says AIM HIGH, the DOOR says BE OPEN, the WINDOW says LEARN TO GIVE & TAKE, the CLOCK says TIME IS GOLD, the CALENDAR says LOVE EVERYDAY as if it is the last day, the CABINET says KEEP THINGS IN ORDER, the BED says TAKE TIME TO RELAX, the LAMP says BE THE LIGHT, And GOD, who is found everywhere in my house says KEEP THE FAITH!! HAVE A BLESSED DAY!!!

Without "JESUS" days are "Mournday," "Tearsday," "Wasteday," "Thristday," "Fightday," "Shatterday, and "Sinday." So allow HIM to be with you everyday!!

Got problems? God uses problems to ......
..... direct you
..... inspect you
..... correct you
..... protect you
..... perfect you
Have a positive perspective in facing your problems. Always pray. God is there for you always!!!!

My mom gave me this message....I really miss them and truly as the message speaks off, I also found my happiness at my own HOME...thank you mom and dad....I miss you all!!!

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